Being the Change:

The Light on the Other Side of Heartbreak

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020, 7:00 to 9:30pm, Berkeley

How do we “go sane” in a world gone mad?

Invisibly a shadow has come over us — the shadow of collective insanity. Amid hypercomplexity. You can see it in our politics, our culture wars, the war on sensemaking, and our out-of-balance relationship with the living Earth.

And as much as we try to come to grips with it all, we can’t seem to get down and really get our hands around what’s happening. We talk about it allbut in ways that are incomplete — “true but partial”. And a shadow of dread, numbness, and depression invisibly creeps over us.

That’s why one recent participant in the conversations I’ve been convening called them “like water in the desert.” It’s such a relief to enter into the conscious company of practitioners willing to face ‘the elephant in the room’— together. We can share our full range of insights and feelings — from brokenhearted grief to courageous faith in Life to unreasonable joy. And we are suddenly less alone, less crazy, and in possession of our agency.

We’re being pressed to grow:

  • In sober courage: On one hand our world (ecological, political, and cultural) seems to be coming rapidly unraveled.
  • In grateful devotion: On the other hand, a joyous conscious awakening is dawning in millions of people. We are allowing ourselves to “be lived” by the Force of Life, which has drafted us in service to That which is much greater than ourselves.
  • Committed to being of benefit: Our “Inner Work” and “Interpersonal Work” intend to find expression in “Outer Work” that makes a difference to others and our larger systems.

A group of us has begun to gather every month at an event called Being the Change. You’re invited to join us.

If you attend Being the Change 4: The Light on the Other Side of Heartbreak on March 18, you will experience:

  • Heartfelt conversation about what’s really happening with other mature, conscious practitioners
  • Deep relaxation and trust in fundamental OK-ness of Being through group meditation and interpersonal we-space practices
  • Guidance and instruction in powerful interpersonal processes
  • A glimpse of how you can respond to current events and crises in a way that expresses clarity, compassion and creativity instead of fear and outrage

Here are a couple comments we received from attendees after last month’s gathering:

“Thank you for the beautiful circle, and for your heartfelt bravery in gathering us all to be the change. I felt inspired and uplifted…!”

“I’m starting to relax into being more authentically me with you and participants in our various practices. I’m feeling safer and more trusting of my own process and sharing it with others. I can feel my growing capacity to be with intense emotion”

There’s a miraculous radiance on the other side of the darkness we fear to face. In that radically pro-active disposition, we become not just powerful, but a force of nature.

Each of us is unique. And yet every one of our hearts can be deeply grateful and courageous and creative. And when we come together, the collective field can crackle with electricity, activating our best imagination and highest capacities.

We’re asked to become next-stage human beings, and we can only do that together, by “being the change”.

Pre-register now to join us on March 18. We look forward to seeing you!

Being the Change:
The Light on the Other Side of Heartbreak 

Wednesday, March 18th, 7:00 to 9:30pm

Rudramandir—Rasa Room
830 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, CA 94710

No one turned away for lack of funds.

Space is limited so we strongly suggest pre-registering.

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Being the Change Part 3

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020, 7:00 to 9:30pm, Berkeley

TERRY PATTEN is the founder of Bay Area Integral and the author of A New Republic of the Heart: An Ethos for Revolutionaries. He has taught Integral Practice to over 10,000 people worldwide. As a social entrepreneur, he founded the pioneering consciousness technology company Tools For Exploration, led the team at the HeartMath Institute that developed their first commercial heart-rate variability monitor, and is now involved in restorative redwood forestry and fossil-fuel alternatives. He also co-wrote the book Integral Life Practice with Ken Wilber, Adam Leonard and Marco Morelli.